February 9, 2009


i was in a very bad mood in the morning....just the last evening i witnessed sa re ga ma pa megafinal..and was totally disappointed....i was supporting Arya thro' and thro'...ok...she didnt win...but kartiki???? it was a shock to see kartiki surpassing likes of Arya & Prathamesh..at the same time it was quite obvious considering last few episodes...anyways..so fact of the matter is i was still fuming when i woke up in the morning...and was in desperate search of something to distract me...then i stumbled upon this movie...'Dhudgus'....i must say its a treat to watch...a must see movie...the story is based in a village where a simple village girl marries an army officer from another village...even before they start knowing each other...the very next day he is called back to border...and subsequently killed in the war...now nobody wants this poor girl..not her in laws...not her parents...she is considered 'pandharya payachi' by all...then the wheel turns...a political leader announces a compensation of 25 Lacs & a few acres of land....
what happens next.....the poster says it all...'suruwat nako chukwus...shewat nakos sangus'.....i better stop here...I just have a doubt...do the chaos mean 'dhudgus'???? i think 'savla gondhal' is a much closer word...what say?

1 comment:

  1. Does 'Dhudgus' mean 'Chaos'? Isn't 'chaos' 'gondhal'?

    'Dhudgus' has a crazy element associated with the chaos.

    My opinion, may be all wrong.
