August 17, 2009


Yesterday I met an old colleague of mine after almost a year….we sort of ran into each other on the road…..last time we met…his wife was carrying and the baby was due in ¾ months….

so naturally the easiest question to carry forward the conversation was ‘how’s your son/daughter…how old is he/she’…suddenly I saw drastic change of expression on his face…agony written all over...and he replied in barely audible voice…’no…we lost our baby in the 1st month itself…it was a boy…’….I didn’t know where to look and I cursed myself at least thousand times…I made him relive his ordeal…..

i mean most of the times I forgot to ask the questions that are there to be asked….and ‘m hopeless in following socially acceptable norms…so in every probability I wouldn’t have asked the question at any other time…but it was not to be…his silence thereafter made me feel even more guilty.

I was left wondering what’s tougher…the tears you held back so defiantly lest u will be called a weakling or the tears you just let out easily….crying as & when want to does take lots of guts….i tell you…

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