December 25, 2010
Be yourself... way...
December 23, 2010
Glad to be born....
December 17, 2010
A kodak moment missed...
they require more courage to do things that you really want to do...than to do things that you dont want to true....
i was a bit late to take a picture...and by the time i realised it they were gone.... may be i will see them again...and will definitely take a picture then....but i guess most of the times...a opportunity an opportunity missed :(.....i wasted a chance of a kodak moment for sure
November 26, 2010
You just never know....
October 15, 2010
U, A and U/A....
U means open to all...the word they use in the certificate is 'Unrestricted Public Exhibition...hence the letter U...
A means above 18 years of age...again the word used is 'Adults only'..and hence A
September 26, 2010
August 11, 2010
July 21, 2010
June 29, 2010
Oh my GOD....
June 27, 2010
June 24, 2010
'm not loving it...
June 22, 2010
June 17, 2010
June 8, 2010
May 31, 2010
Premonsoon Showers...
Heavy premonsoon today with strong winds...watched a female crow fighting to keep her eggs safe for almost 2 hrs...the nest was on a tree right in front of our balcony...clicked some snaps...not clear enough cos of rain and wind.....but watching the 'mother' fight with the forces of nature was something unbelievable.....was a touch better than what they show on discovery channels...made my day...
April 30, 2010
A quote for a day...
March 23, 2010
Want to make God laugh...tell him your plans...
There’s a Marathi serial on TV which endorses the concept of Surrogacy…now for those who don’t know about surrogacy….the term literally means using a substitute mother in place of natural mother to conceive a child… ….
so this couple, married for 10 years or so….have tried every option possible in the world – scientific and otherwise …nothing has worked for them….as the last hope…they decide to opt for surrogacy…they put an ad in the paper to look out for the willing candidates….after screening and scanning hundreds of options, finally a girl (who is incidentally heroine of the serial…and who is against this concept theoretically) unwillingly agrees to volunteer...feeling burden of huge financial pressure on her….’cos this couple is rich enough…and ‘M’ factor is not a problem….so she agrees…takes the money (signing amount…J)…and they start the procedure….after all the filmy dramas and twists…the girl is now pregnant…couple is on cloud nine…finally the things r falling in place….
And now suddenly the ‘original’ mother is carrying….after 10 years….and the couple no longer want the child for which they have spent loads of money….they want their biological child….and the hapless girl is left to her fate…unmarried but pregnant…I mean I don’t get this…is this God’s idea of a private joke or something…or is he in the mood for some mischief….they say…’want to make God laugh…tell him your plans’… true…
March 15, 2010
Feeling blue...
Do you feel the ‘void’ one day after the ‘birthday’…it feels as if people are telling you…’yesterday all we did is to pamper you…now wake up….dream day is over….you get back to the routine and let us get back to ours….’….as if they had enough of u in one day…now they will just ignore you…well they don’t really…it just feels that way….and it wasn’t exactly my birthday L
Don’t know why ‘m feeling a bit down since last 2 days….bored, uneasy calm descending upon me and the surroundings….something is just not right….maybe it is…but I don’t feel that way…as if the ‘twilight blues’ are working overtime to make up for the recession…we seem to have everywhere around us….and I don’t know the reason….hence there’s no solution….’cos I know I am essentially an optimist….i believe even if things seem to go wrong, there’s always a solution if u r willing to find it…there’s always a way is been my motto for long….then why do I feel the way I am feeling?? Well…the feeling comes back once in a while…its not frequent…but its not rare either….. Sometimes I get bored to the limit…to the point of pondering over end of life…and it suffocates me….its the feeling I can’t define…but it doesn’t go away…..
Sometimes I wonder….what do I want exactly? Love, fame, money…what? I seem to have enough of everything required to be fairly happy and content in life….but these things never seem to be enough…whats that one ‘thing’ (if at all it’s a thing), I am constantly looking out for…striving for…. ‘m not a perfectionist either…..
As I am going crazy over these thoughts, a group of people, of both genders and ages…but mostly old people are busy collecting neem leaves for tomorrow…for Gudipadva….they are busy pulling a huge branch of a tree down to get some (free) neem leaves which r considered auspicious for the occasion…and in the process they have brought entire tree down….with their efforts…there it is…a huge branch of neem lying on the ground…and people are jostling each other for their share…somehow the site is not pretty….even I need to get some of them for tomorrow…but forget it…collecting those leaves from that branch just seems cheap….something again is not right….i start feeling down again… if I really need a reason…..
Does that branch feel pain? Does the pain ever go away….or do a point come where pain just stops…or its an eternal thing…never ending…God…am I feeling sorry for that branch now?….well…that’s the kind of mood I’m in….
March 5, 2010
Live your dreams....
Natrang and Harishchandrachi factory both seemingly different movies give us the same message….live your dreams…whatever it takes…but believe in your dreams…and one day they will come true….and even if they don’t at the end…u will sign out from this world fully satisfied that you tried your best…you gave it your best shot…i dream it...i will do it...i did it!!
There's another aspect of these two movies...which is quite Natrang....the family of protagonist fails to come to terms with his dream....and blames him for their poverty and pains...and their miserable life....and when he is down and out....they leave him to suffer his fate....the other protagonist is quite lucky that way....his wife and his children do not seem to think 'anything crazy' of whatever he is attempting...even though making motion pictures is quite unheard of in the society....they believe in fact they are actively involved in the film making....Both had to fight really hard to achieve their dreams....but i guess your family being with you helps....
'jab apne sath hote kuch bhi namumkin nahi hota...'.....
March 4, 2010
Driving nuts....
a middle aged man (must be 45-50)...and his wife were riding on a (at least) 25 yr old bajaj scooter...they were quite ok till i overtook them at one junction....within seconds...he overtook me...and drove away...i thought he didnt like me overtaking him...just to make sure i was right...i overtook him again..and there he was....again increased his speed....overtook me....and flashed me a nasty look...
well...that did it...i was really excited by now....and it was easy to overtake him again...he was so livid....started driving like a maniac.....and trying to get past me....but by then..i was in game totally...and was easily keeping ahead of him....i mean are gadi tari bagha...mi activa chalwatiy...its a 4 stroke bike...ata ti 25 varsh juni scooter chalwun kiti mazhya pudhe janar ahat kaka...its not a competition betn a man and a woman...its a competition betn machines...and quite logically....the machine with more power will win...
pan nahi...tyanna itka rag yet hota ki mi tyanchya pudhe jatiy....pudhe pudhe tar mi thode distance zale ki speed kami karat hote...tyanna pudhe jau det hote...ani mag punha tyanna overtake karat hote...did i behave like a sadist?
.....tya bhangadit mage basalelya kaku jeev muthit gheun basalya hotya.....imagine no helmet...two wheeler with min power, no rear view mirror....driving on a highway....but just that attitude...that how can a woman overtake a man...:)....Buland bharat ki buland tasveer...Hamara Bajaj :)
February 24, 2010
February 15, 2010
A quote for a day...
February 10, 2010
(I)Morally right....
Met a close friend today after a long time….and there were many things to catch up….my favourite topic of movies was sure to come up sooner or later..I was telling him…my husband is not a great fan of movies…so I make it a point to see all the movies on net…whatever happens but I have to see all those movies…if not in theatre then on net...guess I was telling him as if I hv achieved s’thing great…he stared at me for a while and then said..
Normally you try to be so idealistic….you want everything morally right…and try to go out of the way, against the tide to follow those morals and rules…you will follow all the traffic rules no matter what…and admonish people on road who don’t…curse people who lack civic sense…hate people who indulge in back biting…and gossiping…how come you r justifying watching the movies on net…which is 100% piracy…and even if downloading the movies from the net might not be illegal but it is certainly immoral and easy way to watch the movies free...if you really love movies…you of all the people should make it a point to watch it in theatre only…and avoid piracy…don’t you think you are supporting it…??
Wow…love u guys...problem with all the close friends in the world is that they will never mince their words while criticising you...they will be brutal, frank everything clubbed together when they r pointing out a sugar-coating…you will get the message loud and clear…just like that….
So am i going to stop watching movies on net? am not strong enough to declare proudly...ok i admit...i was wrong...and henceforth I will watch the movies only in theatre….cant do without movies guys....ideally i would love to do that...but my weakness will get better of my moral capabilities every time a new movie comes up...and till that moment...i better stop criticizing other people for being immoral…
February 4, 2010
Being alone...
I was wondering when do people want to alone and when do they are lonely...i guess...when you r alone by’s being alone...and when you r left alone...its loneliness...but why and when do we feel alone?...’twilight’ is one thing that immediately comes to mind…no matter where you are…no matter what language you speak…this is the feeling that doesn’t need any words….or boundaries…’twilight blues’…you always feel ‘somewhat uneasy’ at certain period of time in the evening just after sun is makes you feel lethargic, nostalgic, feels as if nothing would ever go your way...and then suddenly as it goes away ..mysterious as it seems...but not forgetting its appointment with us the very next day..and after and after....
And yes…when you take a decision….you feel alone….no matter how many people have supported you to take this final step…you r all alone in that last second..when you actually say ‘yes’ or ‘no’….and then when that hard fought decision goes wrong….you feel even terrible…acknowledging your just weighs upon your shoulders....
And of course when you know you were wrong…you feel alone…and when you know you were right…it feels even worse….
Then you r watching a movie or enjoying a poem or reading a book...or a sudden thought crosses your mind....and there's no one to try to reach every possible source in the world...and nothing comes back....thats when you feel alone…
You are going for a bath…you open the tap…expecting lukewarm water to welcome you….but is bone chilling have forgotten to check the switch…you shiver…aren’t you alone in that feeling?
You are in college farewell party…everybody is busy shaking the leg on the bollywood music and enjoying…you want to go…but you don’t or you cant…don’t you feel outdated at that instant?
God…there are so many occasions around you when you feel lonely and alone…no wonder everybody craves for company lest the loneliness lurking in the corner attack you…and catches you unaware…and man is a social animal they say...
The 'M' factor..
And a few months back…some researchers did a unique study for this man….and his running capability….and come up with the even astounding result….they say if ever there was a 100m race between Bolt and Shinkansen (the Japanese bullet train which was till recently the fastest machine running in this world)…..any guesses who will win…Usain Bolt…yes…man, not the machine...and there's no magic in it...just a logical answer...Bolt when runs achieves his top speed in fraction of seconds after starting the race...while Shinkansen takes a few minutes to achieve its top the time Shinkansen would reach its maximum limit...Bolt would have already crossed the finish line and 100m race would be over...
It was Man who designed the machines in the first place…Man who knew limit of his physical capabilities used his genius mind to compensate for the same…but isnt this a classic case of man winning over the machine?
January 13, 2010
Virtually yours...
Even accepting the fact that…'m a certified net addict…don’t you sometimes lament the loss of "offline" life we had back then - there was so much unknown, so much to be explored - like unseen/unheard places's pictures in Nat Geo or Discovery….. It was fun to ask questions…remember the countless hours spent in library…sleepless nights pondering over the problems....and then feeling euphoric once u get it…how things have changed…for the better?..well I can’t decide that…but even the word ‘Search’ is going extinct…now you just ‘Google’ it…its like passing the exam with flying colors…but not able to enjoy your success fully….knowing very well…you dont deserve that success….
These days everything around you seem to be virtual…virtual friends…relations…meeting….affairs…world….only excuse I seem to have these days for not being able to be in touch…is ‘my friends are not net savy..’…sure…the virtual world gives you feeling of world being at your ‘finger-tips’….but i guess it makes us less appreciative of the real one..
January 7, 2010
New year beckons...
So….the new year is here….2010…2010 does sound something special…I hv a fetish for full complete numbers….or else 2010 isnt going to be much different from 2009 (or will it?) but 2010 just sounds better and exciting....and this obsession doesnt stop with the new year only...whenever i want to start doing s'thing new if I am playing FV on net…and really should be studying Japanese…one look at clock tells me its 9:37...i will say...'oh..well is it 9:37...gr8...i will play until 10...and then i will start studying...or if its wednesday or thursday..i will comfort myself saying...let me continue doing this fo r 2/3 days..and i will start studying from monday...'cos starting s'thing on friday just doesnt seem good... ….feels better mentally to start on a Monday…first day of the week….there’s always a new day, a Monday, 1st day of the month, new year….so you see that’s the sort of person I am…
Hmm…so a brand new year….as always I hv a list of resolutions I want to do….resolutions r funny things…aint they? You should avoid making them in the first place..and when you finally succumb to the temptation…all you do in the next year is to break them one by one…quite happily…w/o the slightest trace of guilt…but no…still I am a great fan of resolutions and I will continue making them…u know what i have made one of the toughest resolutions of my life this a relationship...give 100% but expect less...i thought this is impossible just a few years ago....but in the last year i have improved myself...i certainly expect 10% less this year i plan to expect even less....maybe upto 50%...