March 24, 2012


Today when I started from home, it was overcast, dull…. I reached a big roundabout in about 10 mins….and suddenly it was bright…the roundabout, houses next to it, trees…it was like perfect picture with perfect colour combinations….it was brilliant minute or so…as if you have got your life back, you have found some special truth of life, you suddenly feel energetic, happy and what not….
I always feel these emotions in two situations…
 - Sitting dull with no plans/interest to do any work, its dull weather outside ( not an excuse to my dull mood)…then I pull myself to start some work, then get engrossed in it…and suddenly it’s bright outside…
- It’s very hot, humid outside, no wind, you are uneasy….you start gardening, watering the plants, lawn and you feel breeze J…you feel as if you have turned the weather….
I always believe the feeling enlightenment will be exactly similar to this feeling…

1 comment:

  1. i remembered a Sanskrit subhashit that i had learned in school while reading this..

    चित्ते प्रसन्ने भुवनं प्रसन्नं चित्ते विषण्णे भुवनं विषण्णम् |
    अतोऽभिलाषो यदि ते सुखे स्यात् चित्तप्रसादे प्रथमं यतस्व ||
