Spending way too much time on the internet, i browse a lot of sites each day and inevitably open the interesting links in a new tab so that that page is all loaded up while i am done reading with the present one. Sometimes i jump to the next one while the pictures are loading and get back again once i read a gist. Suddenly i get an IM in another window and am forced to reply there. I keep checking whether i have received the email in my mailbox on another tab. I dont get any...is a different thing altogether...Then suddenly i get a reminder alarm from McFee telling me that it is time for me to renew my subscription. i have too many tabs open on my browser window and am sure i didnt read a few that i wanted to. All this along with playing with my daughter, catering to her tantrums, watching meaningless talk shows on BBC channels and thinking about one & the other things of life...I guess i am pretty much into parallel processing too much than necessary. The great human brain is very well equipped to handle these...sometimes it needs rest for sure...
This has taken control of my life too...while reading a book, i am almost running thro' the words these days, with the brain runs a few steps ahead forming an almost clear picture of the paragraph from the two lines the mind has read. Thanks to my will power i manage to read the entire paragraph though...Even while cooking...which is irritatingly seen as my hobby is turning into a parallel processing scheme......when dal is in pressure cooker...i am already into how the sambhar will taste...
Previously, i used to be proud of this quality saying that it is the trait of a true Geminian.
But sometimes i feel it messes up my ability to produce something good...i really need to focus my mind...one topic at a time..